Postal code zip lookup in United States of America (USA) - EEUU - Vermont

There are more than 40,000 postal codes in the United States. To find the postal code for a specific address, example EEUU - Vermont select the state from the list below. From there, you'll have access to a list of cities and a state zip code map. Another option is to use the "My ZIP Code" tool, which will identify your postal code based on your current location.

State Prefixes for US Postal Codes EEUU - Vermont

Each state in the United States has specific starting numbers for its postal codes. For instance, in Florida, ZIP codes begin with 32, 33, or 34.

Código Postal Vermont - zip code Estados Unidos USA
Vermont ZIP Code (Zip Code) - Representación de área del código postal de los correos de los Estados Unidos.
Abnaki Adamant Adams Landing Addison Albany Albany Center Alburg Alburgh Alpine Haven Andover Arlington Arlington Center Arnold Bay Ascutney Athens Averill Bakersfield Baltimore Barnard Barnet Barnet Center Barnumsville Barnumtown Barnumville Barre Barre Jct Barre Junction Barton Bartonsville Basin Harbor Beaulieus Corner Beebe Plain Beecher Falls Bellows Falls Belmont Belvidere Belvidere Center Belvidere Corners Belvidere Ctr Belvidere Junction Bennington Bennington College Benson Benson Landing Berkshire Berkshire Center Berlin Bethel Binghamville Birdland Bliss Pond Blissville Bloomfield Bolton Bolton Valley Bomoseen Bondville Bordoville Boutswells Bowlsville Bradford Braintree Branch Brandon Brattleboro Brattleboro Center Brdgewtr Cors Bread Loaf Brgwtr Brgwtr Cors Bridgewater Bridgewater Center Bridgewater Corn Bridgewater Corners Bridgewtr Cor Bridgewtr Ct Bridport Brighton Brimstone Corners Bristol Brockways Mills Bromley Mountain Bromley Mtn Brookfield Brookfield Center Brookline Brookside Brookville Brownington Brownsville Brunswick Btv Buels Gore Burke Burke Mountain Burl Burlingtn Burlington Burlngtn Button Bay Cabot Cadys Falls Calais Cambridge Cambridgeboro Cambridgeport Camp Johnson Canaan Castleton Castleton State College Cavendish Cedar Beach Center Rutland Charleston Charlotte Chelsea Chester Chester Depot Chimney Point Chipman Lake Chipmans Point Chippenhook Chiselville Chittenden Clarendn Spgs Clarendon Clarendon Springs Clementwood Cleveland Corner Cloverdale Colbyville Colchester Concord Concord Corner Cookville Corinth Corinth Center Corinth Corners Cornwall Coventry Craftsbry Cmn Craftsbury Craftsbury Cm Craftsbury Common Crow Hill Crown Point Crystal Beach Ctr Rutland Cuttingsville Danby Danby Corners Danville Danville Center Dept Motor Vehicles Derby Derby Line Dorset Downingville Dummerston Duxbury E Arlington E Berkshire E Burke E Charleston E Dorset E Dummerston E Fairfield E Franklin E Granville E Middlebury E Montpelier E St Johnsbry E Thetford E Wallingford Eagle Point East Albany East Arlington East Barnard East Barre East Berkshire East Bethel East Brookfield East Burke East Cabot East Calais East Charleston East Concord East Corinth East Craftsbury East Dorset East Dover East Elmore East Enosburg East Fairfield East Franklin East Granville East Hardwick East Haven East Highgate East Hill East Hubbardton East Jamaica East Johnson East Lyndon East Middlebury East Montpelier East Montpelier Center East Orange East Peacham East Pittsford East Poultney East Putney East Randolph East Roxbury East Rupert East Ryegate East Saint Johnsbury East Sheldon East Sutton Ridge East Thetford East Wallingford East Warren Eastern Reg Serv Ctr Eden Eden Mills Elmore Ely Enosburg Enosburg Center Enosburg Falls Enosburg Fls Essex Essex Center Essex Ctr Essex Jct Essex Junction Evansville Fair Haven Fairfax Fairfield Fairfield Pond Fairground Fairgrounds Fairhaven Fairlee Fayston Felchville Ferdinand Ferrisburg Ferrisburgh Fieldsville Fletcher Florence Fonda Fonda Jct Forest Dale Forestdale Franklin Fredetteville Gageville Gallup Mills Garfield Gassetts Gaysville Georgia Gilford Gilman Glen Glover Goose Green Goshen Gould Hill Grafton Grahamville Granby Granby Valley Grand Isle Graniteville Granville Green Corner Green River Greenbush Greensboro Greensboro Bend Greensborough Greensbro Bnd Grnsboro Bend Groton Grout Guildhall Guilford Guilford Center Halifax Hammondsville Hancock Hardwick Harmonyville Harrisville Hartford Hartland Hartland Cors Hartland Four Corners Healdville Heartwell Heartwellville Hectorville Herrick Highgate Highgate Center Highgate Ctr Highgate Falls Highgate Spgs Highgate Sprg Highgate Springs Hill West Hinesburg Hog Island Holland Hortonville Hubbardton Huntingtn Ctr Huntington Huntington Center Huntington Lower Village Hutchins Hyde Park Hydeville Indian Point Inwood Ira Irasburg Irasville Island Pond Isle La Motte Jacksonville Jamaica Jay Jay Peak Jeffersonville Jeffersonvlle Jenneville Jericho Jericho Center Jericho Ctr Jerusalem Joes Pond Johnsbury Johnson Jones Brook Jonesville Kansas Keeler Bay Keelers Bay Killington Kimballs Kirby Knights Point Lagrange Lake Carmi Lake Dunmore Lake Elmore Lake Emerald Lake Hinevah Lake Hortonia Lake Iroquois Lake Lamoille Lake Morey Lake Park Lake Rescue Lake St Catherine Lake Valley Lakewood Landgrove Leicester Lemington Lillieville Lincoln Lk Elmore Londonderry Long Point Lowell Lower Cabot Lower Granville Lower Plain Lower Waterford Lower Websterville Ludlow Lunenburg Lwr Waterford Lyman Lyndon Lyndon Center Lyndon Corners Lyndonville Mackville Mad River Glen Madonna Maidstone Manchester Manchester Center Manchester Village Manchestr Ctr Manchster Ctr Maple Dell Maquam Marlboro Marlboro College Marshfield Mary Meyer Mc Indoe Falls Mc Indoe Fls Mcindoe Falls Mechanicsburg Medburyville Mendon Middlebury Middlesex Middlesex Center Middlesex Ctr Middletown Middletown Springs Middletwn Spg Mile Point Miles Pond Mill Village Milton Monkton Monkton Ridge Montgomery Montgomery Center Montgomry Ctr Montpelier Montpelier Jct Montpelier Junction Moretown Morgan Morgan Ctr Morristown Morrisville Morrisvl Morrisvle Morses Line Morses Mills Moscow Mosquitoville Mount Holly Mount Philo Mount Snow Mount Tabor Mt Philo Mt Snow Mud City N Bennington N Burlington N Chittenden N Clarendon N Fayston N Ferrisburgh N Hartland N Hyde Park N Middlesex N Montpelier N Pawlet N Pownal N Springfield N Springfld N Thetford National Life Ins Neshobe Beach New Haven New Haven Jct New Haven Junction New Haven Mills Newark Newark Hollow Newbury Newbury Center Newfane Newport Newport Center Newport City Newport Ctr No Bennington No Fayston No Ferrisburgh No Hero No Montpelier No Pownal North Bennington North Burlington North Calais North Chittenden North Clarendon North Concord North Derby North Duxbury North Fayston North Ferrisburgh North Hartland North Hero North Hyde Park North Middlesex North Montpelier North Orwell North Pawlet North Pomfret North Pownal North Randolph North Rupert North Shaftsbury North Shrewsbury North Springfield North Thetford North Troy North Tunbridge North Westminster North Windham North Wolcott Northfield Northfield Falls Northfield Fl Northfld Fls Norton Norwich Norwich University Old Bennington Olympus Orange Orchard Lane Orleans Orwell Owls Head Harbor Panton Paper Mill Village Passumpsic Pawlet Peacham Pearl Peaseville Pedden Acres Pekin Perkinsville Peru Pikes Falls Pinewood Pittsfield Pittsford Pittsford Mills Plainfield Pleasant Valley Plymouth Plymouth Kingdom Plymouth Union Point Farm Popsquash Post Mills Potash Bay Potash Point Pottersville Poultney Pownal Pownal Center Proctor Proctorsville Putney Quechee Queen City Queen City Park Ralston Corner Randolph Randolph Center Randolph Ctr Rareville Rawsonville Reading Reading Center Readsboro Red Village Reedville Rices Mills Richford Richmond Ripton Riverton Rixford Rochester Rockingham Rocky Dale Roxbury Roxbury Flat Royalton Rupert Russellville Russtown Rutland Rutland Town Ryegate Ryegate Corner S Btv S Burl S Burlington S Chittenden S Dorset S Franklin S Hero S Londonderry S Royalton S Strafford S Wallingford S Woodstock Saint Albans Saint Albans Bay Saint George Saint Johnsbury Saint Johnsbury Center Saint Rocks Salisbury Samsonville Sandgate Saxtons River Scottsville Searsburg Shaftsbury Shaftsbury Center Sharon Shawville Sheddsville Sheffield Sheffield Square Shelburne Sheldon Sheldon Creek Sheldon Junction Sheldon Spgs Sheldon Springs Shoreham Shrewsbury Simonsville Simpsonville Sky Acres Smc Smithville Smugglers Notch Smuglrs Ntch So Burlington So Dorset So Franklin So Hero So Shaftsbury So Strafford Sodom South Barre South Burlington South Chittenden South Corinth South Dorset South Duxbury South End South Hero South Lincoln South Londonderry South Lunenburg South Newbury South Newfane South Peacham South Pomfret South Poultney South Pownal South Reading South Royalton South Ryegate South Shaftsbury South Starksboro South Strafford South Walden South Wallingford South Wardsboro South Washington South Wheelock South Windham South Woodbury South Woodstock Spankerton Spoonerville Springfield St Albans St Albans Bay St George St Jhnsbry Ct St Johnsbury St Michaels College St Rocks Stamford Stannard Starksboro State Of Vermont Stockbridge Stowe Strafford Stratton Stratton Mnt Stratton Mountain Stratton Mtn Sudbury Sugarbush Valley Sugarbush Vly Summer Point Summit Sunderland Sutton Swamp Rd Swanton Sweek Hollow Taftsville The Bluffs The Hollow Thet Ctr Thetford Thetford Center Thetford Ctr Thetford Hill Tinmouth Topsham Topsham Four Corners Townshend Trow Hill Troy True Blue Tunbridge Tyson Underhill Underhill Center Underhill Ctr Underhill Flats Univ Of Vermont Uvm Vergennes Vernon Vershire Veterans Administration Victory W Braintree W Brattleboro W Bridgewater W Brookfield W Charleston W Dover W Dummerston W Fairlee W Glover W Swanton W Townshend W Wardsboro W Woodstock Waits River Waitsfield Waitsfield Common Walden Wallingford Waltham Wardsboro Wardsborough Warren Washgtin Washing Washingtn Washington Waterbury Waterbury Center Waterbury Ctr Waterford Waterville Weathersfield Weathersfield Center Websterville Wells Wells River West Addison West Arlingtn West Arlington West Barnet West Berkshire West Berlin West Bolton West Braintree West Brattleboro West Bridgewater West Brookfield West Burke West Castleton West Charleston West Corinth West Cornwall West Danville West Derby West Dover West Dummerston West Enosburg West Fairlee West Ferrisburgh West Glover West Halifax West Hartford West Haven West Lincoln West Marlboro West Milton West Minster West Newbury West Pawlet West Rupert West Rutland West Salisbury West Swanton West Topsham West Townshend West Wardsboro West Waterford West Windsor West Woodstock Westfield Westford Westminster Westminster Station Westminster W Westminster West Westmnstr Sta Westmore Weston Weston Priory Weybridge Weybridge Hill Wheelock White Riv Jct White River Junction Whiting Whitingham Wilder Williamstown Williamsville Williston Wilmington Windham Windsor Winhall Winooski Wolcott Wolumsak Wood Stock Woodbury Woodford Woodpecker Village Woodstock Worcester
Código Postal EEUU - VERMONT

Definitions of Status

  • PRIMARY: Refers to the main name of the city, typically its official designation. Although the city might have an ACCEPTABLE alternative name, the primary name remains the official one.
  • ACCEPTABLE: Indicates a suitable alternative city name. Commonly abbreviated city names are often listed as unacceptable because abbreviations are not considered an acceptable city name format.
  • IMPROPER/NOT ACCEPTABLE: Denotes that an inappropriate city name was entered or received based on the provided information.
  • UNIQUE: Assigned to a business, government agency, or entity with a significant mail volume. This designation depends on the average daily volume of letter-sized mail received, the availability of ZIP code numbers in the postal area, and a cost-benefit analysis by the postal service.

The ZIP Code System in the United States - Código postal

Postal codes, known as ZIP codes, are used by the United States Postal Service (USPS) since 1963. "ZIP" stands for "Zone Improvement Plan," a term chosen to suggest that mail travels more efficiently and, therefore, faster when senders include the ZIP code in the address. The basic format consists of five numeric digits. An extended ZIP+4 code, introduced in 1983, includes the five-digit ZIP code, a hyphen, and four additional digits that specify a more precise location within a given ZIP code.

Understanding the Structure of ZIP Codes

The Five-Digit Code: The initial five digits of the ZIP code identify a specific area:

  • The first digit represents a group of U.S. states.
  • The second and third digits designate a region within the group.
  • The fourth and fifth digits pinpoint a specific post office or delivery area.

ZIP+4 Extended Code: Introduced to improve accuracy and efficiency, this extended code includes:

  • The original five-digit ZIP code.
  • A hyphen.
  • Four additional digits that designate a more specific location, such as a city block, building, or company department.

Why ZIP Codes Matter in the United States

ZIP codes are crucial for efficient mail delivery and are used extensively in demographic research, marketing, and logistics. They help:

  • Streamline mail sorting and delivery.
  • Provide insights into population data.
  • Optimize route planning for delivery services.

Finding ZIP Codes by State

To discover the postal code for a particular area in the United States, follow these steps:

  • Select the state of interest from the list.
  • Access the city list and the postal code map.
  • Alternatively, use the "My ZIP Code" tool to find your postal code based on your current location.

FAQs on Postal Code ZIP EEUU United States of America

What is the purpose of the ZIP+4 code?

The ZIP+4 code provides more precise information, helping the USPS deliver mail more efficiently by specifying a particular location within a ZIP code.

How do I find a ZIP code for a specific address in the United States?

You can find a ZIP code by selecting the relevant state from the list or by using the USPS ZIP code lookup tool available online.

Why do ZIP codes in Florida start with 32, 33, or 34?

Each state is assigned specific starting digits for its ZIP codes. In Florida, postal codes start with these numbers to designate the region.

Can I use a single ZIP code for an entire city?

Some large cities have multiple ZIP codes to facilitate efficient mail delivery. However, smaller towns might have a single ZIP code.

How do ZIP codes relate to demographic research and marketing?

ZIP codes help businesses and researchers analyze population trends, target marketing campaigns, and streamline logistics by providing region-specific data.

By understanding the importance of postal code ZIPs in the United States, you can better navigate the mailing system and make informed decisions based on demographic and regional data.